Cancellation of the Million Dollar Lunch 2021
Dear Children’s Cancer Foundation Supporter,
Due to ongoing disruption from Covid-19, the Foundation has made the difficult decision to cancel The Million Dollar Lunch for the second consecutive year.
Over the past 18 months we have all experienced profound changes in our daily lives and it goes without saying that the Children’s Cancer Foundation’s revenue raising has been impaired. However, our work and impact have not.
That we have been able to continue our work is in large part due to the generosity of all who have supported the Million Dollar Lunch, which has contributed $22.4m to the Foundation since 2005. It is also due to the prudent governance of the Foundation.
As a result, in the past 2 years the Children’s Cancer Foundation has:
- continued to support the pressing needs of families, the children’s hospitals and the research community;
- honoured all current project commitments and extended some where the need has been greatest;
- funded $3,134,508 in programs in 2019/20 and a further $4,046,753 in 2020/21. (read more)
These achievements are so important because, regrettably, families’ lives continue to be upended on a weekly basis by the dreaded news that their child has cancer.
Due to the cancellation of The Million Dollar Lunch for the second consecutive year our financial resources are diminished, but our resolve is not.
For those able to assist, we will once again be holding a virtual giving day on 7 October 2021 to raise what money we can to fulfil our vision for a better outlook for children and families with cancer.
I would like to take this opportunity to extend our sincere gratitude to all this year’s participating event partners, donors, table hosts and volunteers. Your on-going support in these uncertain times has inspired the Foundation to continue its important work.
Yours sincerely

Jeremy Smith
Children’s Cancer Foundation