
Family Support

Patients, parents and siblings face immense challenges and change once a cancer diagnosis is made, throughout treatment and during life after cancer.

In addition to funding world class research, the Children’s Cancer Foundation continues to provide a wide range of practical supports and resources to assist families in navigating their unique challenges.

If you, or someone you know, is struggling, please contact us to access support through our services.  

National Family Counselling Program

The Foundation provides financial assistance for counselling services (both in-person and over the phone) to families across the country. Funding is provided for professional counselling sessions including family therapy, psychotherapy, art, music and play therapy, and is available for children on or off treatment (up to five years) as well as their parents and siblings.

Family members are welcome to apply, or social workers and hospital staff can submit applications on behalf of families in their care.

An online hub of childhood cancer resources

The Children’s Cancer Family Support Alliance website connects families impacted by cancer with the many childhood cancer charities and service providers that are available. The Alliance is made up of a group of like-minded independent organisations united in their mission to support families throughout their cancer journey.

In-hospital Child Psychology Support

To assist in meeting the demand for cancer patient care, The Children’s Cancer Foundation funds a Paediatric Psychologist, as part of the Oncology Service at the Queensland Children’s Hospital (QCH). Psychologists with specialised training are equipped to help children and their families navigate the trauma of diagnosis, treatment and subsequent adjustments to their lifestyle.

Family and Community Resource Officer

The Foundation contributes funding to the Family Resource Coordinator roles at The Royal Children’s Hospital and Monash Children’s Hospital. The Coordinators are the familiar faces within the hospital ward, they help facilitate discussion between staff and families, and provide day-to-day support services through play, recreation, social activities and respite.

Family Gym Access at The Royal Children’s Hospital

Families who find themselves at The Royal Children’s Hospital for extended periods while their children receive treatment can gain free access the onsite gym through the Foundation. This initiative is designed to assist parents in enhancing their own well-being while they care for their children.

Help children survive and thrive.